"Belli e commoventi i nastri rossi, le magliette rosse, le cravatte rosse per dire ai monaci birmani che tutto il mondo è con loro. Il colore giusto sarebbe lo zafferano (però crudo, altrimenti diventa giallo, molto diverso da quello delle tonache buddiste)"
Pierluigi Battista, sul Corriere di oggi
"Monks and the Buddhist religion represent the colour of yellow in Asia where monks wear yellow robes and monasteries are decorated by gold or yellow as well as the pagodas and temples. Coincidently, Burmese students’ symbol is a yellow fighting peacock which they used in the colonial period to fight for independence. The fighting yellow peacock flags were waved in the air during the 1988 and recent students’ strikes. The National League for Democracy, the election winning party led by Aung San Suu Kyi, used the yellow peacock in the party flag to honor the student movements in Burma. Again, the party launched the Yellow-colour campaign back in 1998 to support the forming of people’s parliament which called was by Aung San Suu Kyi. Students, party members, and supporters wore yellow shirts in August 1988, and former military intelligence officers campaigned to arrest all activists who wore yellow shirts. Why is the color so important?"
Nathan Maung, Prachatai
1 Ottobre 2007