You're all idiots. Unless I amGreek Marshall Plan? So where are the Nuremberg trials?

The European Union has just announced a Marshall plan to get Greece back on its feet and functioning again. So my question is: where are the Nuremberg trials? Greece currently has a debt/GDP ratio ...

The European Union has just announced a Marshall plan to get Greece back on its feet and functioning again. So my question is: where are the Nuremberg trials?

Greece currently has a debt/GDP ratio of 150%. This didn’t happen by accident, the numbers for the public sector deficit were manipulated, finally finishing with a deficit of 15.4% in 2009. The tax system in Greece inherently doesn’t work and there is widescale corruption. This is not the starting point for making further investments.

So who was responsible for all this? What were the institutions that enabled this to happen? Who controlled them? How and why did they malfunction? And most importantly what is needed to make sure this doesn’t happen again and when Greece receives this money, it doesn’t just get wasted or siphoned off like it has been previously.

Because without assigning responsibility, laying out the mistakes and/or crimes committed and removing the causes of the crisis, the process is only going to repeat itself.