Voyage of the Mobro 4000, the garbage barge VIDEO

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The 1987 voyage of a barge loaded with New York garbage became a sensational fiasco, but it ended up fueling the modern recycling movement. Dan Rather dubbed it “the most watched load of garbage in the memory of Man.” 

The Mobro 4000 was a barge made infamous in 1987 for hauling the same load of trash along the east coast of North America from New York to Belize and back until a way was found to dispose of the garbage. During this journey, local press often referred to the Mobro 4000 as the Gar-barge.

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Retro Report was launched through a private grant from Christopher Buck, who first began drawing up the blueprints for this living news library more than a decade ago. An entrepreneur and a philanthropist, Buck is a reformed news junkie who spent 15 years of his life working as a television editor.

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