The View from the HudsonIf You Think This System’s Working Ask Somebody Who Ain’t

It looks like the “1 percent,” the rich who pushed for all the austerity measures forgot one thing … The downside about having all these young people out of work after college is that they are out ...

It looks like the “1 percent,” the rich who pushed for all the austerity measures forgot one thing … The downside about having all these young people out of work after college is that they are out of work (with lots and lots of time on their hands) and they are educated.

Take a look at the website for We’re talking about smart people who are ready for action. This organization has incredibly similar goals to the Occupy Wall Street/99 Percent protestors. They intend to protest in Washington’s Freedom Plaza in two days, and I think they are going to be there for quite a while.

Meanwhile, the protests in New York’s Zuccotti Park continue and only seem to grow after each arrest. (On a little tangent – how come no one has mentioned the irony that this protest is taking place in a “private” park donated with the help of John Zuccotti, the chairman of Brookfield Properties? Or mention its proximity to the World Trade Center site?)

On Wednesday, we shall see if this is really the American Autumn? Is the revolution really is being streamed?

By the way, if you are curious about the title of this post, take a listen to the brilliant 1996 song by Speech of Arrested Development.

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