Neil Young ha riscritto una canzone del 2006 sulla fine dell’era di George W. Bush e l’ha trasformata in un inno acustico per sconfiggere Donald Trump alle elezioni di novembre. Si intitola Looking for a leader 2020.
A un certo punto Neil Young canta così:
«Sì, abbiamo avuto Barack Obama, uno che ci servirebbe anche adesso
ma la persona che gli stava dietro in qualche modo dovrà prendere il suo posto
L’America ha un leader che costruisce muri intorno a casa nostra
Non sa che le vite dei neri contano
dobbiamo sconfiggerlo alle urne».
Ecco il testo completo di Looking for a leader:
Leaders walk among us
and I hope they hear our call.
Maybe it’s a woman
or a black man after all.
Lookin’ for a leader
to bring our country home,
reunite the red white and blue
before it turns to stone.
Lookin’ for somebody
With the strength to take it on;
keep us safe together
and make this country strong.
Walkin’ among our people
There’s someone to lead us on;
lead a rainbow of colors
in a broken world gone wrong.
Yeah, we had Barack Obama
and we really need him now.
The man who stood behind him
has to take his place somehow.
America has a leader
building walls around our house.
He don’t know black lives matter
and we got to vote him out.
We got our election,
but corruption has a chance
We got to have a big win
to regain confidence.
America is beautiful
but she has an ugly side.
We’re lookin’ for a leader
in this country far and wide.
Just like his big new fence,
this president’s goin’ down.
America’s movin’ forward.
You can feel it in every town.
Scared of his own shadow,
building walls around our house,
he’s hidin’ in his bunker;
something else to lie about.
We don’t need a leader
building walls around our house
who don’t know black lives matter
and it’s time to vote him out!
We’re lookin’ for a leader
with The Great Spirit on his side;
lookin’ for a leader
in this country far and wide.
Lookin’ for a leader
with The Great Spirit on his side.